Smart119 Inc. | Innovation for reliable future medical cares


(Media Coverage)Our company was introduced in Sankei Shimbun, "Utilizing AI to shorten time for paramedics to arrive at the scene - Predicting areas with high volume of emergency request - Kawasaki city outsources system production to a company in Chiba

Our company was introduced titled "Utilizing AI to shorten time for paramedics to arrive at the scene - Predicting areas with high volume of emergency request - Kawasaki city outsources system production to a company in Chiba" on Jarunary 18th in the morning article of Sankei Shimbun, Kanagawa version. Kawasaki city outsourced to us after a several demo experiments with companies which signed a cooperation agreement, as a part of its utilization of AI.

The article can also be read online on "Sankei News".

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