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(Media publication) Smart119 Cartoon was introduced in "anan Beauty+"

An easy-to-understand 5-step guide on how you can prevent, check and support those around you for "corona related suicide", is introduced in the article.

Ask, "Why do you want to die?"
A specialist tells you "The 5 steps to take when someone is thinking about suicide" - anan Beauty+:
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The following five steps are given as the key points.
(1) Ask "How are you hurt?" and "How can we help?"
(2) Try to avoid creating an isolated environment.
(3) Ask specifically about the means and plans they are considering, and determine the urgency of the situation in order to reduce the incidence of suicide.
(4) Help the person connect with suicide counseling services, support facilities, and specialists.
(5) Continuously contact the person to see if there is anything else that can be done.

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