Smart119 Inc. | Innovation for reliable future medical cares


Our CEO, Dr. Nakada, explained "Mental Care for Children in the COVID-19 pandemic" using manga.

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"Mental Care of Children in COVID-19 pandemic"

Taka-aki Nakada
CEO of Smart119 Inc.
Professor of Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine, Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine

Tsuyoshi Sasaki
Chiba University Hospital
Department of Children's Mental Health
Deputy Director, Lecturer

◆Key Points: Psychological First Aid (PFA)
This is a first aid for children in case of disaster or emergency without harming their minds.
・It is not a medical treatment
・You don't need to be an expert to do it
・Do not force out feelings and reactions
・It will help the child to return to the normal state by himself/herself

Step 0: Before you begin
In order to perform PFA effectively and to protect your own safety, assess the situation.
1) About the crisis event
2) Find out what services and support are available from the government
3) Find out about the safety and security situation (in case of disaster)

Step 1: Observe
1) Check for safety → Monitor body temperature/Make sure to avoid the "Three Cs" environment etc
(2) Look for children who need urgent care
(3) Look for children who are under serious stress, such as those with unusual behavior

Step 2: Listen
1) Stay close to the child who needs support
2) Ask about their needs and concerns
3) Lend an ear as a way to help them calm down

Step 3: Connect
1) Pay attention to allergies and etc and provide support so that the child can receive appropriate assistance
2) Help them till they can cope with problems independently
3) Connect them to support from their loved ones and society
4) Provide information on "protecting their own rights" and "how to get help"

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