
COVID-19 Archive

Radiological findings from 81 patients with COVID-19 pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study. (Lancet Infect Dis. 2020.04.20)

A cluster of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia caused by infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) were successively reported in Wuhan, China. We aimed to describe the CT findings across different timepoints throughout the disease course.

Patients with COVID-19 pneumonia (confirmed by next-generation sequencing or RT-PCR) who were admitted to one of two hospitals in Wuhan and who underwent serial chest CT scans were retrospectively enrolled. Patients were grouped on the basis of the interval between symptom onset and the first CT scan: group 1 (subclinical patients; scans done before symptom onset), group 2 (scans done ≤1 week after symptom onset), group 3 (>1 week to 2 weeks), and group 4 (>2 weeks to 3 weeks). Imaging features and their distribution were analysed and compared across the four groups.

81 patients admitted to hospital between Dec 20, 2019, and Jan 23, 2020, were retrospectively enrolled. The cohort included 42 (52%) men and 39 (48%) women, and the mean age was 49·5 years (SD 11·0). The mean number of involved lung segments was 10·5 (SD 6·4) overall, 2·8 (3·3) in group 1, 11·1 (5·4) in group 2, 13·0 (5·7) in group 3, and 12·1 (5·9) in group 4. The predominant pattern of abnormality observed was bilateral (64 [79%] patients), peripheral (44 [54%]), ill-defined (66 [81%]), and ground-glass opacification (53 [65%]), mainly involving the right lower lobes (225 [27%] of 849 affected segments). In group 1 (n=15), the predominant pattern was unilateral (nine [60%]) and multifocal (eight [53%]) ground-glass opacities (14 [93%]). Lesions quickly evolved to bilateral (19 [90%]), diffuse (11 [52%]) ground-glass opacity predominance (17 [81%]) in group 2 (n=21). Thereafter, the prevalence of ground-glass opacities continued to decrease (17 [57%] of 30 patients in group 3, and five [33%] of 15 in group 4), and consolidation and mixed patterns became more frequent (12 [40%] in group 3, eight [53%] in group 4).

COVID-19 pneumonia manifests with chest CT imaging abnormalities, even in asymptomatic patients, with rapid evolution from focal unilateral to diffuse bilateral ground-glass opacities that progressed to or co-existed with consolidations within 1-3 weeks. Combining assessment of imaging features with clinical and laboratory findings could facilitate early diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia.

中国武漢におけるCOVID-19肺炎81症例のCT所見:記述的研究。 (Lancet Infect Dis. 2020.04.20)

重症ARDSを伴ったCOVID-19肺炎患者クラスターが中国・武漢で相次いで報告された。本論文は、経過中の異なるタイムポイントの CT 所見を記述することを目的とする。

武漢の病院に入院し,連続胸部 CT スキャンを受けた COVID-19 肺炎(次世代シークエンシングまたは RT-PCR 検査陽性)患者を後方視的に対象とした。患者を症状発現から初回CT検査までの期間に基づき分類した:第1群(不顕性患者、症状発現前に検査実施)、第2群(症状発現後1週間以内に検査実施)、第3群(1〜2週間以内に検査実施)、第4群(2〜3週間以内に検査実施)。画像特徴とその分布を分析し、4群間で比較した。

2019年12月20日~2020年1月23日の間の81例の入院患者を後方視的に対象とした。対象は男性42例(52%)女性39例(48%)、平均年齢49.5歳(SD 11.0)であった。平均肺区域罹患数は全体で10.5(SD 6.4)、第1群 2.8(SD 3.3)、第2群 11.1(SD 5.4)、第3群 13.0(SD 5.7)、第4群 12.1(SD 5.9)であった。主な異常所見のパターンは、両側性(64例 [79%])、末梢性(44例 [54%])、びまん性(66例 [81%])、すりガラス状陰影(53例 [65%])であり、主に右下葉(225/849異常区域 [27%])が関与していた。第1群(n=15)では、片側性(9 [60%])多局所(8 [53%])のすりガラス状陰影(14 [93%])が主たるパターンであった。グループ2(n=21)では、病変はすぐに両側性(19 [90%])に広がり、びまん性(11例 [52%])のすりガラス状陰影優位(17 [81%])へと変化した。その後、すりガラス状陰影病変は減少し(第3群 17/30例 [57%]、第4群 5/15例 [33%])、浸潤影や混合パターンが増加した(第3群 12例 [40%]、第4群 8例 [53%])。



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