
COVID-19 Archive

Exposure to a Surrogate Measure of Contamination From Simulated Patients by Emergency Department Personnel Wearing Personal Protective Equipment (JAMA. 2020.4.27)

For each simulation (adult and child manikins), 2 physicians and 2 nurses participated (8 total participants). All participants were experienced in emergency department care and had participated in resuscitations. In the adult scenario, intubation was successful during the second videolaryngoscopic attempt. In the pediatric scenario, intubation was successful using direct laryngoscopy after 1 failed videolaryngoscopic attempt. Seven of 8 participants had fluorescent markers on their exposed skin, 6 on the neck, and 1 on an ear (Figure). All team members had fluorescent markers on their hair and 4 had markers on their shoes. During the adult and pediatric scenarios, there were 102 and 88, respectively, participant-manikin contacts.

Despite personal protective equipment, fluorescent markers were found on the uncovered skin, hair, and shoes of participants after simulations of emergency department management of patients experiencing respiratory distress. The findings suggest that the current recommendations for personal protective equipment may not fully prevent exposures in emergency department settings. Clothing that covers all skin may further diminish exposure risk.
Inhalation of aerosols and exposure risks associated with doffing were not evaluated in this study. The small number of participants, the simulated health care setting, and the surrogate measures of exposure are the primary limitations. Because this was a simulation study using manikins, it is uncertain how the results might apply to actual patient care.

救急患者診療シミュレーションを用いた個人用保護具を着用した救急医の汚染の曝露の評価 (JAMA. 2020.4.27)


(画像出典 jamanetwork.com https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2765377)



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