
COVID-19 Archive

Genomewide Association Study of Severe Covid-19 with Respiratory Failure (N Engl J Med. 2020.06.17)

There is considerable variation in disease behavior among patients infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19). Genomewide association analysis may allow for the identification of potential genetic factors involved in the development of Covid-19.

We conducted a genomewide association study involving 1980 patients with Covid-19 and severe disease (defined as respiratory failure) at seven hospitals in the Italian and Spanish epicenters of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Europe. After quality control and the exclusion of population outliers, 835 patients and 1255 control participants from Italy and 775 patients and 950 control participants from Spain were included in the final analysis. In total, we analyzed 8,582,968 single-nucleotide polymorphisms and conducted a meta-analysis of the two case-control panels.

We detected cross-replicating associations with rs11385942 at locus 3p21.31 and with rs657152 at locus 9q34.2, which were significant at the genomewide level (P<5×10−8) in the meta-analysis of the two case-control panels (odds ratio, 1.77; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.48 to 2.11; P=1.15×10−10; and odds ratio, 1.32; 95% CI, 1.20 to 1.47; P=4.95×10−8, respectively). At locus 3p21.31, the association signal spanned the genes SLC6A20, LZTFL1, CCR9, FYCO1, CXCR6 and XCR1. The association signal at locus 9q34.2 coincided with the ABO blood group locus; in this cohort, a blood-group-specific analysis showed a higher risk in blood group A than in other blood groups (odds ratio, 1.45; 95% CI, 1.20 to 1.75; P=1.48×10−4) and a protective effect in blood group O as compared with other blood groups (odds ratio, 0.65; 95% CI, 0.53 to 0.79; P=1.06×10−5).

We identified a 3p21.31 gene cluster as a genetic susceptibility locus in patients with Covid-19 with respiratory failure and confirmed a potential involvement of the ABO blood-group system. (Funded by Stein Erik Hagen and others.)

Covid-19重症呼吸不全のゲノムワイド関連研究(N Engl J Med. 2020.06.17)


我々は、ヨーロッパで大流行した SARS-CoV-2 のイタリアとスペインの震源地にある 7 つの病院で、Covid-19に罹患し重症(呼吸不全と定義)の患者 1980 人を対象としたゲノムワイド関連研究を実施した。品質管理を行い、集団の異常者を除外した後、イタリアからの患者835人と対照群1255人、スペインからの患者775人と対照群950人が最終解析に含まれた。合計で8,582,968個の一塩基多型を解析し、2つの症例対照パネルのメタ解析を行った。

3p21.31遺伝子座のrs11385942と9q34.2遺伝子座のrs657152との交差複製関連を検出したが、これは2つの症例対照パネルのメタ解析においてゲノムワイドレベルで有意であった(P<5×10-8)(オッズ比、1. 77;95%信頼区間[CI]、1.48~2.11;P=1.15×10-10;およびオッズ比、1.32;95%CI、1.20~1.47;P=4.95×10-8)。) 3p21.31では、SLC6A20、LZTFL1、CCR9、FYCO1、CXCR6およびXCR1遺伝子にまたがっていた。9q34.2遺伝子座における関連シグナルはABO血液群遺伝子座と一致した;このコホートでは、血液群特異的解析により、他の血液群と比較してA群のリスクが高く(オッズ比、1.45;95%CI、1.20~1.75;P=1.48×10-4)、O群では他の血液群と比較して保護効果が認められた(オッズ比、0.65;95%CI、0.53~0.79;P=1.06×10-5)。



(Smart119 スタッフコメント)
Covid-19 重症化リスクと血液型との関連について言及されている論文です。

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