
COVID-19 Archive

"Solidarity" clinical trial for COVID-19 treatments (WHO 2020.10.15)

UPDATE: Solidarity Trial reports interim results

Solidarity is an international clinical trial to help find an effective treatment for COVID-19, launched by the World Health Organization and partners. It is one of the largest international randomized trials for COVID-19 treatments, enrolling almost 12 000 patients in 500 hospital sites in over 30 countries.

The Solidarity Trial is evaluating the effect of drugs on 3 important outcomes in COVID-19 patients: mortality, need for assisted ventilation and duration of hospital stay.

The Solidarity Trial compares treatment options against standard of care to assess their relative effectiveness against COVID-19. By enrolling patients in multiple countries, the Solidarity Trial aims to evaluate whether any of the drugs improve survival or reduce the need for ventilation or duration of hospital stay. Other drugs may be added based on emerging evidence.

In general, until there is sufficient evidence, WHO cautions against physicians and medical associations recommending or administering unproven treatments to patients with COVID-19 or people self-medicating with them. WHO guidance on compassionate use can be found here.

Latest update on on treatment arms

The Solidarity Trial published interim results on 15 October 2020. It found that all 4 treatments evaluated (remdesivir, hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir/ritonavir and interferon) had little or no effect on overall mortality, initiation of ventilation and duration of hospital stay in hospitalized patients.

The Solidarity Trial is considering evaluating other treatments, to continue the search for effective COVID-19 therapeutics.

So far, only corticosteroids have been proven effective against severe and critical COVID-19.

Previously, on 4 July 2020, WHO had accepted the recommendation from the Solidarity Trial's International Steering Committee to discontinue the trial's hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir arms.

The International Steering Committee formulated the recommendation in light of the evidence for hydroxychloroquine vs standard-of-care and for lopinavir/ritonavir vs standard-of-care from the Solidarity Trial interim results, and from a review of the evidence from all trials presented at the 1-2 July WHO Summit on COVID-19 research and innovation.

These interim trial results showed that hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir produce little or no reduction in the mortality of hospitalized COVID-19 patients when compared to standard of care. Solidarity Trial investigators interrupted the trials with immediate effect.

For each of the drugs, the interim results did not provide solid evidence of increased mortality. There were, however, some associated safety signals in the clinical laboratory findings of the add-on Discovery trial, a participant in the Solidarity Trial. These will also be reported in the peer-reviewed publication.

This decision applies only to the conduct of the Solidarity Trial in hospitalized patients and does not affect the possible evaluation in other studies of hydroxychloroquine or lopinavir/ritonavir in non-hospitalized patients or as pre- or post-exposure prophylaxis for COVID-19.

Enrolling patients in one single randomized trial will help facilitate the robust worldwide comparison of unproven treatments. This will overcome the risk of multiple small trials not generating the strong evidence needed to determine the relative effectiveness of potential treatments.

COVID-19治療薬の "Solidarity(連帯) "臨床試験(WHO 2020.10.15)

更新:Solidarity Trialが中間結果を報告


Solidarity Trialでは、COVID-19患者の3つの重要なアウトカムである死亡率、人工呼吸の必要性、入院期間に対する薬剤の効果を評価している。

Solidarity Trialは、標準治療に対する治療選択肢を比較し、COVID-19に対する相対的な有効性を評価する。複数の国の患者を登録することで、連帯試験は、いずれかの薬剤が生存率を改善するか、人工呼吸の必要性や入院期間を短縮するかどうかを評価することを目的としている。新たなエビデンスに基づいて他の薬剤が追加される可能性もある。



Solidarity Trialは2020年10月15日に中間結果を発表した。それによると、評価された4つの治療法(レムデシビル、ヒドロキシクロロキン、ロピナビル/リトナビル、インターフェロン)はすべて、入院患者の全死亡率、人工呼吸の開始、入院期間にほとんど影響を及ぼさないことがわかった。

Solidarity Trialでは、有効なCOVID-19治療薬の探索を継続するために、他の治療法の評価を検討している。



国際運営委員会は、連帯試験の中間試験結果から得られたヒドロキシクロロキン vs 標準治療群、およびロピナビル/リトナビル vs 標準治療群のエビデンス、ならびに7月1-2日に開催されたCOVID-19研究とイノベーションに関するWHOサミットで発表されたすべての試験のエビデンスのレビューに照らし合わせて、この勧告を策定した。

これらの中間試験の結果は、標準治療と比較した場合、ヒドロキシクロロキンおよびロピナビル/リトナビルは、入院しているCOVID-19患者の死亡率をほとんど、あるいは全く減少させないことを示した。Solidarity Trialの治験責任医師は直ちに試験を中断した。

それぞれの薬剤について、中間結果は死亡率の増加を示す確かな証拠を示さなかった。しかし、Solidarity試験の参加者であるAdd-on Discovery試験の臨床検査所見には、いくつかの関連する安全性のシグナルがあった。これらは、査読付き出版物にも報告される予定である。



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