
COVID-19 Archive

Pathophysiology of COVID-19-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome: a multicentre prospective observational study (The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 2020.12.01)



Patients with COVID-19 can develop acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), which is associated with high mortality. The aim of this study was to examine the functional and morphological features of COVID-19-associated ARDS and to compare these with the characteristics of ARDS unrelated to COVID-19.


This prospective observational study was done at seven hospitals in Italy. We enrolled consecutive, mechanically ventilated patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 and who met Berlin criteria for ARDS, who were admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) between March 9 and March 22, 2020. All patients were sedated, paralysed, and ventilated in volume-control mode with standard ICU ventilators. Static respiratory system compliance, the ratio of partial pressure of arterial oxygen to fractional concentration of oxygen in inspired air, ventilatory ratio (a surrogate of dead space), and D-dimer concentrations were measured within 24 h of ICU admission. Lung CT scans and CT angiograms were done when clinically indicated. A dataset for ARDS unrelated to COVID-19 was created from previous ARDS studies. Survival to day 28 was assessed.


Between March 9 and March 22, 2020, 301 patients with COVID-19 met the Berlin criteria for ARDS at participating hospitals. Median static compliance was 41 mL/cm H2O (33-52), which was 28% higher than in the cohort of patients with ARDS unrelated to COVID-19 (32 mL/cm H2O [25-43]; p<0·0001). 17 (6%) of 297 patients with COVID-19-associated ARDS had compliances greater than the 95th percentile of the classical ARDS cohort. Total lung weight did not differ between the two cohorts. CT pulmonary angiograms (obtained in 23 [8%] patients with COVID-19-related ARDS) showed that 15 (94%) of 16 patients with D-dimer concentrations greater than the median had bilateral areas of hypoperfusion, consistent with thromboembolic disease. Patients with D-dimer concentrations equal to or less than the median had ventilatory ratios lower than those of patients with D-dimer concentrations greater than the median (1·66 [1·32-1·95] vs 1·90 [1·50-2·33]; p=0·0001). Patients with static compliance equal to or less than the median and D-dimer concentrations greater than the median had markedly increased 28-day mortality compared with other patient subgroups (40 [56%] of 71 with high D-dimers and low compliance vs 18 [27%] of 67 with low D-dimers and high compliance, 13 [22%] of 60 with low D-dimers and low compliance, and 22 [35%] of 63 with high D-dimers and high compliance, all p=0·0001).


Patients with COVID-19-associated ARDS have a form of injury that, in many aspects, is similar to that of those with ARDS unrelated to COVID-19. Notably, patients with COVID-19-related ARDS who have a reduction in respiratory system compliance together with increased D-dimer concentrations have high mortality rates.



COVID-19関連急性呼吸窮迫症候群の病態生理:多施設共同前向き観察研究(The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 2020.12.01)





この前向き観察研究は、イタリアの7つの病院で行われた。我々は、実験室で確認されたCOVID-19を有し、ARDSのベルリン基準を満たし、2020年3月9日から3月22日までの間に集中治療室(ICU)に入院した、連続した機械的換気を行った患者を登録した。すべての患者は鎮静され、麻痺しており、標準的な ICU 人工呼吸器を用いて容積制御モードで換気されていた。静的呼吸系コンプライアンス、触発空気中の酸素分画濃度に対する動脈酸素分圧の比、換気比(デッドスペースのサロゲート)、D ダイマー濃度を ICU 入室後 24 時間以内に測定した。肺CTスキャンおよびCT血管造影は、臨床的に指示された場合に実施した。COVID-19とは無関係のARDSのデータセットを、過去のARDS研究から作成した。28日目までの生存率を評価した。


2020年3月9日から3月22日までの間に、COVID-19を有する患者301人が参加病院でARDSのベルリン基準を満たした。静的コンプライアンス中央値は41 mL/cm H2O(33~52)で、COVID-19とは無関係のARDS患者のコホート(32 mL/cm H2O [25~43]; p<0-0001)と比較して28%高かった。COVID-19に関連するARDS患者297人のうち17人(6%)は、従来のARDSコホートの95パーセンタイル以上の合併症を有していた。肺総重量は2つのコホート間で差がなかった。CT肺血管造影(COVID-19関連ARDS患者23人[8%]で得られた)では、Dダイマー濃度が中央値を超えた16人の患者のうち15人(94%)には、血栓塞栓性疾患と一致する両側性の低灌流領域が認められた。D-ダイマー濃度が中央値以下の患者では、D-ダイマー濃度が中央値以上の患者よりも換気比が低かった(1-66 [1-32-1-95] vs 1-90 [1-50-2-33]、p=0-0001)。静的コンプライアンスが中央値以下でDダイマー濃度が中央値以上の患者では、他のサブグループと比較して28日死亡率が著しく上昇した(高Dダイマーでコンプライアンスが低い71人中40人(56%)、低Dダイマーでコンプライアンスが高い67人中18人(27%)、低Dダイマーでコンプライアンスが低い60人中13人(22%)、高Dダイマーでコンプライアンスが高い63人中22人(35%)、いずれもp=0-0001)。





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